the most professional website in the world.

die hipster

 me and Martin (the wefail brothers) decided to make a game, I don’t know why.

me and Martin (the wefail brothers) decided to make a game, I don’t know why.

 we had created “game like” experiences on the internet for clients like Eminem and The Dixie Chicks and other impressive names I could drop but I’m not gonna (Mtv, FX, EMI).

we had created “game like” experiences on the internet for clients like Eminem and The Dixie Chicks and other impressive names I could drop but I’m not gonna (Mtv, FX, EMI).

  Die Hipster  (pronounced in germanic “Dee Hipster” meaning simply “that hipster”) ended as a raucous satire of social media.

Die Hipster (pronounced in germanic “Dee Hipster” meaning simply “that hipster”) ended as a raucous satire of social media.

 I wrote  Die Hipster  from scratch in Actionscript 2, later converting it to Actionscript 3 for Android and iOS.

I wrote Die Hipster from scratch in Actionscript 2, later converting it to Actionscript 3 for Android and iOS.

 the living world of  Die Hipster  is filled with stupid things, just like real life.

the living world of Die Hipster is filled with stupid things, just like real life.

 awaiting beyond death was a darker world, full of demons, scored by our friend Bob Schneider.  clearly I had been playing a lot of proto- Dark Souls  masterpiece  Demon’s Souls .

awaiting beyond death was a darker world, full of demons, scored by our friend Bob Schneider.

clearly I had been playing a lot of proto-Dark Souls masterpiece Demon’s Souls.

 machinations of the  Die Hipster  engine would continue to be utilized and revised throughout future work such as  Zombie Santa  and  Monster’s Socks .

machinations of the Die Hipster engine would continue to be utilized and revised throughout future work such as Zombie Santa and Monster’s Socks.

 hated by some  Die Hipster  resonated deeply with others.  behind the self effacement and misdirection I’ll always be proud to have created this little world with my wefail brother, Martin (RIP).

hated by some Die Hipster resonated deeply with others.

behind the self effacement and misdirection I’ll always be proud to have created this little world with my wefail brother, Martin (RIP).

  Die Hipster has been played by over half a million people world wide.

Die Hipster has been played by over half a million people world wide.